-Help Dadaab Charity together with Angel welfare and education trust on 25th of january visited warabaley farmers point to have a. Look at their irrigation farm and the plantations they have. .
The two organizations were happy to see what the farmers were upto and able to bring up on their own..
farmer at warabale cried out for help from the two organizations  these  being
1. a solar water pump
2. fertilizers and seedlings for their farm
3. Aditioinal boreholes on places far from the river banks
-help dadaab and angel welfare $ education trust listened to them and  agreed to be able to help on places they could

HELP Dadaab

We provide relief and assistance for residents and occupants of Dadaab camp in Kenya through: Advancement of education for young people by enabling the provision of distance learning courses. Facilitating access to healthcare for young people by the funding of transport to local medical professionals and the cost of treatment. Provision of shelter for disabled people by commissioning the building of suitable shelters using local providers. All assistance given will be regardless of refugees background, race, gender or religion.

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