Event Category: Events

2020 Help Dadaab 4th graduation ceremony.

Help Dadaab held their 4th-time graduation ceremony on   2nd January 2020  for 44 students that had been admitted in September 2018 and sat for their exams in September 2019, ...
02 Jan

2019 Scholarships

With help from Cambridge International College (CIC) based in Jersey, UK,  HELP Dadaab enrolls and funds selected applicants from Dadaab and Kakuma on a variety of Diploma courses that are designed ...
01 Jan
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Partnership with CIC

With help from Cambridge International College based in Jersey, UK, HelpDadaab enrolls and funds selected applicants from Dadaab and Kakuma on a variety of Diploma courses that are designed ...
10 Feb
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM